White Collar Killer Trout Fishing Flies
White Head Hares Ear Special Fishing Flies
Fish Fishing Flies

How do i get started?

Send us a picture of your creations along with a typical catch report and some information relating to the pattern. we will asses and get back to you within 2 days.

We will discuss the pattern details with you and work out the commercial viability with you.

If we agree, we will ask you to submit a short bio to us. This is about you as a fly fisher, where you fish and your fly tying experiences.

We will then have your pattern tied in bulk at our expense. you will choose the name, we will agree a sale price and upload your bio and fly to our website.


For every fly you create and we sell, we will pay you upto 20p per fly. Your flies will be tied on both barbed and competition barbless hooks. The minimum we pay is 14p per fishing fly sold.

At the end of each month we will send you a CSV sales report for your fly / flies. We will then process a payment direct to your bank account.


You don’t need to pay us anything, you don’t need to tie any flies yourself. All flies will be tied in our own factory at our expense. Even if we don’t sell any of your flies.


For a bronze level you can submit 10 patterns. For Silver you can submit 20 patterns. For gold you can submit 40 patterns and for platinum you can submit 100 patterns.

Levels are earned through sales, each new artisan starts at Bronze level and when you reach 100 sales you move to Silver. 300 you move to Gold 600 you move to platinum, giving you maximum earning potential.

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bring your creations to life..

Join us here at Fish Fishing Flies and change fly fishing for the future generations. Lets make our sport enjoyable and affordable again..

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the home of great fishing flies….

Fish Fishing Flies is an inclusive forward thinking business that wants to see our sport develop and thrive.